Search of antagonists of phoma rot pathogen on winter rapeseed: initial screening of bacterial strains from the working collection of the biometod laboratory of VNIIMK

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In 2024, in the laboratory of biomethod of the V.S. Pustovoit All-Russian Research Institute of Oil Crops, a search of promising strains-producers of microbiopreparations from the working collection of the laboratory was conducted. The purpose of the research was to develop a microbiological method to decrease the harmfulness of the most dangerous disease on winter rapeseed - Phoma rot (Leptosphaeria maculans (Desm.) Ces. et de Not, anamorph stage Phoma lingam (Tode) Desm.). As a result of the initial screening of bacterial antagonist strains, 29 promising strains with the different types of an antagonist activity against Phoma pathogen were selected: 21 bacterial strains from a genus Bacillus: Fa 4-2, D-10, 11-2, D 1-1, 11-3, 5-3, 3-3, 3-2, Far 8, D 1-3, Fz 9, D 7-3, K 1-2, 01kopf Bacillus sp., Б (2-1), Б-5, Б-12 B. licheniformis, 5Б-1, D 7-1, ВВ(С) B. subtilis, Б-4 B. circulans, and eight strains from a genus Pseudomonas: 12-2 , 15-1, 13-2, Sgc-1, 16-2, Oif 2-1, 14-4 Pseudomonas sp. and 14-3 P. chlororaphis, to conduct the secondary screening on a pathogen artificial inoculation background.


Phoma rot of winter rapeseed, primary screening, bacterial antagonist strains

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142243085   |   DOI: 10.25230/2412-608X-2024-3-199-46-54

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