Indicators of biochemical and clinical blood analysis in jersey cows with different protein level in milk

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The purpose of research is to study the parameters of biochemical and clinical blood tests in Jersey cows of different biological types with different levels of protein in milk. Tasks: distribution of cows by hereditary types, evaluation of blood parameters in cows with different hereditary types. The pedigree data of zootechnical and pedigree registration of Jersey cows in Joint Stock Company PlemZavod “Ulyanino” served as a research method. Cows are divided into four groups according to the types of milk protein: progressive, regressive, stable and unstable. The processing of the results of biochemical and clinical indicators of blood serum was carried out using biometric indicators in the laboratories of Closed Joint Stock Company KIBELA, Chance Bio. When comparing blood parameters in cows with different biological types, it was found that in all cows the indicators were within the physiological norm. Evaluation of blood parameters revealed that all cows in the group with a protein level of more than 3.5 % had higher blood counts. When selecting cows in the group with a progressive type, animals were selected in which all selection and genetic parameters were at a high level, which is also confirmed by stable blood test results.


Blood, biochemical analysis, clinical blood test, hereditary types of milk protein, jersey breed

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140297955   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2023-2-153-157

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