Obtaining liquid maral rennet enzyme

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The research objective was to develop the way of receiving liquid maral rennet enzyme (MRE) for effective processing of by-products of maral farming. For carrying out the experiments the intake of maral rennet was carried out on maral farm FSUE “Novotalitskoye” (Charyshsky area, Altai Region). The rennets were cleaned of their contents and fat tissue, rinsed in cold water, minced in an industrial mincing machine MIM 300 and stored at the temperature of -18˚С. The experiments were conducted in the Laboratory for Processing and Certification of Velvet Antler Products (the Department of All-Russia Research and Development Institute of Reindeer Breeding for Velvet Antlers). In the course of determining the optimum extraction time, maral rennets were being infused in the thermostat the hydromodule 1 : 125 for 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72 hours, the activity of enzymes was assessed based on the bleaching of the colored fibrin. 10 % solution of hydrochloric acid with рН 1.0; 2.0; 3.0 was used in order to activate pepsin...


Gastrointestinal tract, maral, rennet, liquid rennet enzyme

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140243443

IDR: 140243443

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