Does the unconsciously hint help to solve the problem? The study of priming effects

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The research is based on the experimental paradigm of priming. We studied the effect of unconscious information on the work of consciousness. Experiments on dynamic priming suggest that there are cognitive mechanisms that regulate the impact of the influence of unconsciously perceived information on the actual cognitive activity. Mechanisms operate on the basis of complex semantic analysis of a series of unconscious influences and the correlation of the unconscious and conscious information contexts. Results of experiments with avtostereografic images demonstrate unconscious perception of the meaning contained in the stereogram. Like the other types of primingwithout- awareness, presentation of avtostereograms containing the right answer, reduces the time to solve the problem. Research was spent at support of the Russian Federal Property Fund, the grant 10-06-00169-а.


Cognitive activity, priming, unconscious processes, avtostereogram, problem-solving

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IDR: 148100386

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