The concept of "leisure civilization" in the context of foreign social and cultural research

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The article considers the key concept of foreign leisure studies - “leisure civilization”, introduced by J. Dumazedier. The main parameters of the “leisure civilization” are presented, during the formation of which the amount of free time increases; leisure becomes more and more independent of labor, becomes a self-sufficient value; leisure becomes Autonomous. Based on the work of leading foreign leisure researchers (T. Blackshaw, C. Rojek, K. Roberts, R. Stebbins, etc.), it is shown that “leisure civilization” as a model of leisure activity has been recognized by cultural scientists and sociologists. However, they put forward serious critical arguments that forced to reconsider the conclusion that “leisure civilization” is already built in developed Western societies, shifting the focus to the discussion of the very possibility of its construction. Researchers have thus come to the conclusion that the release of free time in postindustrial society in itself does not bring one to full self-realization, and offer standardized forms of leisure, can not achieve the status of “freedom”, i.e. of self-determination of man in the sphere of leisure. Thus, if “leisure civilization” is possible, it is only through the expansion of the individual and social groups active manifestation of leisure activity.


Leisure, post-industrial society, civilization of leisure, leisure society, j. dumazedier, t. blackshaw, c. rojek, k. roberts, r. stebbins, social and cultural activity

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 144160855   |   DOI: 10.24411/1997-0803-2019-10511

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