Post-traumatic stress disorder as a threat to the psychological safety of law enforcement officers

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This article examines the problems of the impact of post - traumatic stress disorder on the psychological safety of an employee of the internal affairs bodies. Post - traumatic stress disorder (hereinafter referred to as PTSD) is a fairly common disorder that occurs in humans due to stressful situations they have experienced. Due to the specifics of the official activities of employees of internal affairs bodies (hereinafter referred to as ATS), the development of PTSD is a fairly common consequence of stressful events that occur during the performance of their official duties, which poses a threat to personal and, in particular, psychological safety. This article discusses the concept of personal safety and psychological safety as its component, their main qualitative characteristics. Also in this article, the definition of PTSD was given and its brief description was considered, the method of rehabilitation for PTSD is given.


Personal safety, psychological safety, an employee of the internal affairs bodies, posttraumatic stress disorder, rehabilitation methods for posttraumatic stress disorder

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IDR: 142241110

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