Potential of the media space in the development of students' Creative abilities in the conditions of digitalization of education

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This work analyzes pedagogical and scientific-methodological literature on the development of human potential in the media environment and media education, presents the phenomenon of student creativity in the learning process, the influence of the media environment on academic achievements and personal development of students. Explores ways to use media technologies that can help unlock students' potential and increase their creativity. Particular attention is paid to the benefits of digital tools in learning and their role in developing new skills and knowledge in students. The practical part is a presentation of student television on the basis of one of the universities. Basic information is provided, the composition of participants, the results of activities as of 2024, as well as the results of surveys of an experimental group of students about the role of creativity in their lives. The functions of student television are analyzed as a means that significantly contributes to the development of creative abilities in students. The article provides recommendations for educational institutions with the aim of creating a favorable environment for the development of creative thinking of students. The results of the study allow us to draw a conclusion about the importance of the media space as a means of developing the creative abilities of students in the modern educational process.


Creativity, media education, media space, internet, television

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148328958

IDR: 148328958   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2024-26-96-89-95

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