Need of a prayer for modern cinema as a tradition

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The frequent usage of orthodox prayers frequently appearing in modern cinema shows its great research relevance. From the point of view of rhetorical devices and the tradition, which consists in close interrelation of Russian literature and modern cinema. All prayers delivered by characters on the screen have a historical basis connected with orthodox tradition. Conclusion. We have realized that the society deprived of communication with God has been gradually demonstrating the need of a prayer. In days of troubles it is necessary for human nature to address God. Grandmothers, who preserved orthodox beliefs in Russia, are already gone. We were late to hear their prayful word, to believe them. We no longer have their source of protection for us before God. Different times have come: today cinema prayers sound after literary prayers. It is enough to remember two prayers of the twentieth century which we examined in other works: the first one belongs to A. Solzhenitsyn, the second one was written by V. Erofeyeva in the story "Galoshy". Our contemporaries involving a group of predecessors of the 18-19th centuries are not alone feeling the undeniable appeal to the prayers tradition.


Orthodox tradition, literature, motion picture art, rhetorics, prayer

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