Everyday life and festiveness in the context of philosophy of economy: comparative characteristic of the concepts S.N. Bulgakov and A. Schutz

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In the article is explored through the analysis of philosophical perception of the “economy” in the S.N. Bulgakov 's works supported with some reasons allowing to consider this doctrine as a methodological basis for the analysis of the routine phenomenon. Also authors deduct the characteristic features of “everyday life” and “festiveness” using philosophical approach proposed by S.N. Bulgakov in comparison with the theoretical concept of routine invented by A. Schutz. It is routine that is the sphere of production and consumption, the process of vital resources (energy) generation, the process of “humanization” of nature as a precondition for comfortable existence, rhythm and prose, cyclicity and purposiveness. At the same time, “festiveness” is regarded as a sphere of permanent freedom and constant development, a prerequisite for, so to say, communion evolving new forms of energy demanded within the routine medium. The principles of self-preservation of social and cultural system are implemented in the dialectics of “everyday life” and “festiveness” represented in the instance of power capacity shift.


Everyday life, economy, production, consumption, labour, energy, social and cultural system, festiveness

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IDR: 144161012

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