Protoform Finno-Ugrig words in Mordvian languages

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The article is the description of existing in the modern Finno-Ugric views on the similarities and differences in the Mordvian languages. The analysis of the semantics of words is carried out in terms of comparing it with the reconstructed forms of language, the basics. We consider the etymology and semantic similarity, which were given in various Finno-Ugric sources. Carried out to establish the general trends and features of the considered semantic vocabulary in both languages, allowing you to exploit their ability to function in a Mordovian-Russian bilingualism. For the first time identified types of interlanguage correlations in the Finno-Ugric vocabulary Erzya and Moksha languages. Revealed word, have expanded the amount of semantic two or more values, while in Moksha or vice versa in the languages they Erzya was preserved by a maximum of two values. Given that the verb has a great potential to display different values in an article focusing on polysemy. Considered polisemantichnye words, the values of which are located on the concrete to the abstract to the more commonly used in a less commonly used. In this aspect of the Finno-Ugric vocabulary protoform Mordvinian languages has not yet been sufficiently studied, so the theoretical principles, illustrated by numerous examples, submitted for publication and may be used to further develop the issues etymological and semantic analysis of language related languages.


Origin of the word, meaning of the word, synchrony, diachrony, context, correlation, historical and modern state

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IDR: 14720711

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