Practice-oriented approach to the organization of the educational process of a law university

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Subject of the article: practice-oriented approach in the educational process of a law University. The object of the article: the educational process of a law University. The purpose of the project: to identify the problems of transformation of the educational process of the law University and find ways to solve them. Methodology: the competence approach has allowed to identify problems in the educational process of law schools related to changes in the educational paradigm; the practice-oriented approach and integration of legal and moral phenomena helped to identify ways to solve problems by activating and improving the practice of legal clinics. Results: considering the Institute of legal clinics as a means of solving the problems of the educational process of the University allowed us to determine the factors that affect the quality of legal education and form the professional competence of future lawyers. Scope of the results: the study of legal clinics as an effective means of training legal personnel contributes to the improvement and improvement of the quality of legal education. The inclusion of students ‘ work in the legal clinic in the production practice, as one of its forms, helps the student to practice directly in the aspect of legal counseling, which forms their skills of competent building relationships with the client and is an important factor in preventing emotional burnout. The work of students in the legal clinic also plays an important role from the point of view of sociology, since students can get information about the statistics of client requests, which will allow them to use this data in sociological research. Understanding the empirical material obtained in the course of legal consulting can be used for writing master’s and PhD theses. That is, the range of application of the results of students ‘ work in the legal clinic is quite wide and can be used both in one area, but vertically (at different educational levels); and in different professional branches horizontally (in law, law enforcement, sociology, psychology, etc.). Conclusion: the scientific novelty of the study consists in a comprehensive analysis of materials accumulated in the practice of legal clinics and reinterpreted in the aspect of their representation as a form of industrial practice. The positive experience of students of SF MSPU in the legal clinic described in the article demonstrates the effectiveness of this direction and proves the effectiveness of including the Institute of the legal clinic in the educational process of the law University as a form of industrial practice.


Educational process, practice-oriented approach, subject professional experience, legal clinic, legislation, counseling, legal assistance

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148312984   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2020-22-71-29-33

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