Legal collisions and сompetition of legal norms: to the problem of differentiation

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Introduction. The problem of legal collisions and competition is relevant both from theoretical and practical point of view, although it is very debatable. The novelty lies in the fact that the author’s position on the general theoretical problem of the correlation of legal collisions and competition of legal norms, which is considered in the field of criminal law, is presented in a concentrated form. The aim is to analyze the correlation between collisions and competition in law. Materials, Results and Discussion. The etymology of the concepts "collision" and "competition" is under study. The positions on the problem of correlation of legal collisions and competition of law norms of representatives of both general theory of law and criminal law are analyzed.


Legal collisions, competition of legal norms, correlation, common, difference

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 149145675   |   DOI: 10.24412/1999-6241-2024-297-225-231

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