Consumers’ preferences in suburban recreation services in the context of studying modern culture of suburban recreation in Russia

Автор: Pogrebova E.S., Okonnikova T.I., Vinogradova M.V., Glinkina E.V.

Журнал: Сервис plus @servis-plus

Рубрика: Культура и цивилизация

Статья в выпуске: 1 т.18, 2024 года.

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The culture of suburban recreation has deep roots in Russia, but in each historical period of the country's development, it had pronounced specifics. Today, the popularity of suburban holidays is on an increasing trend, which actualizes the study of consumer preferences for suburban accommodation services. The article presents the results of a sociological study conducted using an online survey among residents of Moscow and the Moscow region and adjacent regions in order to identify preferences when choosing a suburban recreation center. 305 people took part in the study. The main conclusions of the study show that people under 50 prefer to spend time at suburban recreation centers (approximately equally young people without children or families with children). About half of respondents are ready to travel to these sites as soon as the opportunity arises, a third - only during summer holidays and vacations. The purpose of the trip may be to relax with family or friends in nature, to hold family holidays, to attend events or educational events. For the majority of potential vacationers, affordable prices, the possibility of accommodation with all amenities, silence, clean air, beautiful nature, the presence of natural reservoirs, organized meals with the possibility of self-cooking are important. In terms of length of stay, the «weekend tour» format is the most popular, but more than half are ready to rest for 5 days or more. Most respondents choose to stay in individual houses for 3-4 people (family) or for two. About half of the respondents want to take advantage of health procedures (bath, sauna and spa), almost the same number choose active pastime, а quarter of tourists are in favor of educational, recreational activities or varied recreation.


Culture of suburban recreation in Russia, suburban recreation center, consumer preferences, moscow and the moscow region

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IDR: 140305369   |   DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10967943

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