Premises and problems of the non-linear conception of higher education in the russian macro-region

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The main conclusion of the article is the need for transition from linear higher education model prevailing in Russia to a nonlinear one. The focus is made on opportunities and challenges of nonlinear higher education model implementation in the macro-region. Theoretical premise for understanding transition from linear to nonlinear higher education model in the region is the analysis of regional and macro-regional peculiarities in the Russian higher education. Such differences can include macro-regional and regional inequalities in the field of higher education. Their main manifestations based on objective and subjective reasons are presented via qualitative and quantitative characteristics. The article demonstrates that ways of overcoming university educational inequalities should be first of all found in an experimental project within one of the macro-regions of the country. The situation of possible transition to nonlinear higher education model in the Ural macro-region is used as a case, as it is one of most suitable macro-regions for testing this theoretical concept. The research uses such methods as the analysis of statistic data and in-depths expert interviews aimed at studying expert evaluations and conducted by a research group of the Ural Federal University under author's supervision together with the acknowledged specialists in the field of higher education from two macro-regions - Ural and Volga regions.


Macroregion, region, models of linear and nonlinear development of higher education, system of higher education, macro-regional and regional inequalities, nonlinear conception of higher education

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IDR: 142227169

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