The secondary professional education students' Understanding about the possibilities of using social networks in the educational process

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The article deals with the students' understanding about the possibilities of using social networks in the educational process of secondary vocational education. Social networks are a new space for students. This space offers students new ways of cooperation, new information and communication channels, as well as special media technologies of communication and activity. Analysis of the educational opportunities of using social networks is very important for the organization of productive educational activity in the new information environment. The article presents the results of the monitoring of the use of social networks in the educational space. The authors of the article describe the advantages and disadvantages of the use of social networks, which should be taken into account in the educational process in institutions of secondary vocational education. Conclusion. If much attention is paid to permission of this problem in higher education institutions, then we can't tell about establishments of secondary professional education of it. Results of our research speak about readiness of students, both technical, and psychological, to use of social networks in educational process and need of use of a such resource as additional, for the organization of educational process in establishments of secondary professional education, trying to obtain increase of efficiency of educational process and continuity with educational process in higher educational institutions.


Secondary vocational education, social networks, media space, network technologies, multimedia, media education, internet, internet resources, communication

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IDR: 148102357

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