Perspectives about family roles in intergenerational relationship in full and incomplete families

Автор: Tomgorova Galina Nikolaevna

Журнал: Общество: социология, психология, педагогика @society-spp

Рубрика: Психология

Статья в выпуске: 11, 2020 года.

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The paper reveals the problem of intergenerational relationship in the context of transgenerational factors that affect the behavior patterns of women of three generations in the same family. When studying the role structure of a family, you can see the causes of role clashes between family members that affect the choice of a model for building intra-family relationships. Thus, studying the role of the child will help you understand what exactly is invested in this understanding and how the heavy role of the child, in incomplete extended families, the responsibilities of adult family members affects the relationship with a partner in adulthood. Moreover, It is not less significant to understand the role of a grandmother, who is also involved in the upbringing of the child, in the absence of the father, and how the roles are distributed in “grandmother-mother-daughter” triad. Based on the study of two groups of respondents- unmarried women whose mothers are not married, and unmarried women whose mothers are married, the features of social perceptions of the distribution of intra-family roles and their impact on intergenerational relationships among women, leading to undesirable female loneliness in adult life, were revealed.


Family roles, female loneliness, intergenerational relationships, incomplete extended families, family psychology, personality formation, socialization

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 149134504   |   DOI: 10.24158/spp.2020.11.14

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