Prevention of crimes related to forgery documents using automated decision support systems

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The article is devoted to the issue of forgery of handwritten signature as one of the key protective requisites of legal and accounting instruments. On the basis of criminological knowledge about the features of personality of the subject of white-collar crimes (including professionalism, connection with corporate structures, certain respectability and direct involvement in economic activity) it is pointed out that such forgery is highly prepared and its detection efficiency is low. The results of the scientific experiment in the form of a timed questionnaire survey of 257 people demonstrating the effectiveness of special forensic training in the field of handwriting science, which allows to detect forgery, are given. In the presence of specialized knowledge the probability of detecting signature forgery is 70.1 %, without such knowledge - 60.7 %. An alternative is the use of automated decision support systems. Such system for analyzing paper documents should be implemented in the form of a mobile application, since in this case the quality of document verification efficiency is preserved. Decision support using such a model is possible both for mutual documents (a contract and an act of work performed; a debt receipt and a debt repayment receipt; a bank card with a specimen signature and an application for withdrawal of funds from the account, etc.) and homogeneous documents (for example, contracts with different counterparties; consecutive acts of work performed, etc.).Taking into account that in this case we are talking about the process of forensic identification, at least one of the examined documents should be authentic.


Economic crimes, document forgery, signature forgery, decision support system, machine learning, handwritten signature, signature verification

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14131488   |   DOI: 10.47475/2311-696X-2024-42-3-66-69

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