Preservation of Geological Material and History of Karst Formations Discoveries in the Pechora-Severouralskiy Speleological Area and Adjacent Territories
Автор: Astakhova I.S., Zhdanova L.R.
Журнал: Arctic and North @arctic-and-north
Рубрика: Reviews and reports
Статья в выпуске: 48, 2022 года.
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The paper describes the history of discovery and study of karst formations of the European North of Russia. More than 100 karst formations have been identified. The main periods in the history of exploration of caves and grottoes of the Pechora Urals are reflected. The first caves descriptions which were made by travellers and scientists in the 18th-19th centuries are given. During that period the most famous caves were Uninskaya and Kaninskaya caves. The main karst formations were discovered and described at the beginning of the 20th century. Geologist V.N. Mamontov discovered 4 caves on the Pervokamennaya River. Systematic geological studies by V.A. Varsanofyeva in the Northern Urals allowed her to discover small karst formations in the upper reaches of the Pechora on the Ilych and Unya rivers. In 1960, B.I. Guslitzer discovered the largest cave in the Northern Urals — the Medvezhya Cave. Promising and little-studied areas of karst are the Bolshezemelskaya Tundra, the Polar and Nether-Polar Urals, Pai-Hoi and Timan. Only a few small caves and grottoes are known on these territories. Most of the karst is located in specially protected areas. The caves are unique paleontological monuments of nature. The funds of the A.A. Chernov Geological Museum of the Institute of Geology contain 12 monographic collections of paleofaunistic material with a volume of more than 30 thousand storage units. The remains of vertebrate caves consist of bones of mammoth fauna and small mammals.
History, karst, cave, grotto, Northern Urals, Timan, natural heritage, paleontology, museum
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IDR: 148329253 | DOI: 10.37482/issn2221-2698.2022.48.189
Список литературы Preservation of Geological Material and History of Karst Formations Discoveries in the Pechora-Severouralskiy Speleological Area and Adjacent Territories
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