Use of mexidolantioxidant in CHD patients when doing cardiac surgery under extracorporeal circulation

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When performing revascularization of the myocardium under extracorporeal circulation in CHD patients with a normal left ventricle transport function, use of mexidol in a total dose of 500 mg per 100 120 ml of fluid administered by drop infusion twice during 10-12 min (200 mg at the beginning of perfusion and 300 mg after establishment of flow in the heart) enables to normalize lipid peroxidation processes by the end of the first postoperative day. The state of those patients who received mexidol during operation and subsequent follow-up was improved as demonstrated by a reduced number of postoperative complications, a decrease in the duration of artificial pulmonary ventilation and a lesser length of postoperative hospital stay.


Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142233415

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