The use of digital computer technologies in the future professional activities of students

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Preparing students to use computer and digital technologies in their future professional activities is becoming an essential component of their education. Meanwhile, the training provided at universities is often not sufficiently thorough, which leads to a gap between the requirements for the level of proficiency in computer technologies and the level of readiness of university graduates to use them in their future professional activities. For the successful implementation of digital computer technologies in the field of education, it is necessary to pay attention to a comprehensive solution of problems, including both psychological, pedagogical, methodological, and technical aspects. The purpose of this study is to develop a system that promotes the development of students’ skills in using computer technology in their future professional activities, to determine the pedagogical and methodological conditions for the formation of students’ skills in working with computer technology and the development of appropriate educational content, programs, a system of training sessions and methodological support on this basis. To assess the effectiveness of the system developed by us, experimental work was carried out on the approbation of the course “Computer Technology” with subsequent statistical processing of data and their comparative analysis. To assess the effectiveness of the developed system, experimental work was carried out on testing the course “Computer Technologies” with subsequent statistical processing and comparative analysis of the data obtained.


Computer technology, informatization, digitalization, educational process, computer skills, teaching aids

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IDR: 148328286   |   DOI: 10.18137/RNU.V925X.24.01.P.003

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