The application of green beans for wheat flour enrichment

Автор: Cheremnykh D.A., Naymushina L.V., Zykova I.D.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Технические науки

Статья в выпуске: 3, 2018 года.

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The possibility of enrichment of wheat flour by biologically active agents of green beans - Phaseolus vulgaris is pre-sented in the study. It is known that the culture grown up in large quantities both in industrial and individual way possess-es valuable medicinal and nutritious properties. From dried-up pods of green beans the flour was prepared, its chemical composition and the main physical and chemical indicators were defined. It was revealed that the flour from haricot was rich in protein (21 %) and food fibers (33 %), and also con-tained mineral substances and some physiologically signifi-cant vitamins and vitamin-like substances. It was defined that introduction of bean flour to wheat flour in the ratio 1:3 en-riched wheat flour with food fibers: flour products contained 20-30 % of their daily dose that met the requirements im-posed to the enriched product. Studying of behavior of bean flour as ingredient of dough showed that the size of extent of swelling of granules, both in water solution and in oil-water emulsion in the ratio water: oil - 4:1, in general did not reduce general indicators of swelling and rising of the dough. At in-troduction of bean flour the content of proteins increased to 14.7 % and their biological value increased to 58.5 %. Rheo-logical characteristics of fresh and barmy types of dough from enriched flour changed insignificantly. Organoleptic assess-ment of flour products from enriched flour showed quite satis-factory indicators of new products containing proteins, food fibers and other essential biologically active agents of culture of Phaseolus vulgaris.


Green seedpod beans, chemical composition, dietary fibers, wheat flour enrichment, bean flour

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IDR: 140224384

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