The principles of forming of balanced strategies in the Russian rocket and space industry during the period of its reform

Автор: Firulev O.V., Erygin Y.V.

Журнал: Сибирский аэрокосмический журнал @vestnik-sibsau

Рубрика: Экономика

Статья в выпуске: 4 т.16, 2015 года.

Бесплатный доступ

At present a great attention is paid to the problem of increasing the efficiency of Russian rocket and space industry control. In this article we discuss the structure of the United Rocket and Space Corporation. This corporation was established in order to exclude the duplication of functions and technical solutions and to concentrate on efforts and resources for implementation of scientific-research and experimental-design works meeting the modern requirements. We identified the requirements in the strategic management of the Russian rocket and space industry during the period of its reform. We reviewed the notion of the “strategy” and the main approaches to its definition. It was revealed that there is no unambiguous and universal notion of strategy, however, we certainty can say about its quantitative and qualitative terms. We tried to clarify the definition of the notion “strategy”, in view of the ongoing structural changes in the rocket and space industry. The character of the interaction between the levels of management strategies for various types of functional strategies was defined. We have defined the necessity of developing of the concept of balanced strategies to the Russian rocket and space industry. The main principles of the concept of balanced strategies will be: the principle of balance of functional strategies; compliance with the principle of financial stability and reproduction of innovation capacity; the principle of balance of functional strategies in relation to the production for the state defense order; the principle of limited financial resources allocated to the state defense order.


Rocket and space industry, united rocket and space corporation, strategy, strategic management

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IDR: 148177497

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