The principles of constitutionalism in the economic system

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The world economy is in a state of struggle with the crisis, the success of which depends directly on the quality of the existing functional arsenal of regulatory mechanisms to ensure the system balance and well-drafted «anti-crisis program», as at the country level and at the level of measures to synchronize and coordinate the administrating at the global level of world economic relations. The concept of self-rehabilitating features of the free market does not work unfortunately and recurrence of chronic economic crisis degenerate into a political and social problem, with the formation of the factors leading to the loss of controllabijulity and system conflicts. In this statement, the crisis can be seen as a failure of the control system for the prevention and resolution of systemic conflict. The article analyzes the "constitutionalism" as a complex methodological tool of construction and consolidation of the economic system, which is able to prevent and solve system conflicts.


Economic system, constitutionalism, economic crisis, rule-of-law state, supremacy of law, public process

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IDR: 142232722

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