Assignment and waste as crimes against property in the regulation on punishments

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Various aspects of the regulation of responsibility for misappropriation and embezzlement as crimes against property in the Code of Criminal and Correctional Punishments of 1845 (as amended in 1885) are considered. It is noted that the studied offenses were dispersed in various sections of the Code, which was a very voluminous legal act. At the same time, the dispositions of the relevant norms were formulated in detail, which was a feature of the legal technique in the legal systems of the Russian Empire at that time. At the same time, the regulation of the types and sizes of punishments for committing these socially dangerous acts was cumbersome, with a large number of reference norms, which in some way hampered law enforcement practice.


Misappropriation, embezzlement, code, real estate, estate, prison departments, imprisonment

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IDR: 170199476   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2023-5-5-147-150

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