Problem of adaptation of a fictional work title when translating it from a foreign language into Russian

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Adaptation of a text when translating it from a foreign language is one of the most crucial tasks for a translator. Need for adaptation of a text or its parts during translation is caused by linguistic and cultural differences between an original text and its translation. Adaptation is particularly important when translating of fictional works of various kinds, such as novels, poems or movies. That is because such work not only conveys information (which is the main function of every language) but also performs a function of emotional and esthetic impact on its recipient. In this case, quite often the biggest translator’s concern is adaptation of a title of a fictional work. Apart from other reasons, this problem is caused by a high level of compression of information implicated in such title. Because of this, a translator should cope with a number of issues in order to translate this title properly - from familiarizing himself with a fictional work to be translated to using a wide range of lexical and grammatical transformations.


Fictional works, title, adaptation, equivalency of translation

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IDR: 148328943   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2024-26-95-57-61

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