The problem of cohesion as a basis for structuring dialogical replica

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Within the framework of the study we accept the relative independence of lexical means of cohesion in a separate dialogue utterance. Lexical cohesion indicators at the level of a separate dialogue utterance are structurally isolated and function as the independent structures of the internal component. The addresser uses this or that lexical indicator of the pragmatic cohesion of their dialogue utterance paying more attention not to the external contextual environment, but rather to their current intention of putting the scenario frame "establishing and maintaining contact with the addressee" into reality. The speaker makes the choice of such specialized lexical means which, in their opinion, ensures the maximum achievement of the pre-planned illocutive goal with the consideration of current communication.


Spontaneous dialogue communication, dialogue utterance, proposition, means of linking, cohesion, anaphora, substitution, introductory words

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IDR: 14489897

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