The problem conflictological competence in the field of educational organizations

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The article considers the problem of conflictological competence of all participants in educational process and conflict management in educational organizations. Typical symptoms conflictological incompetence of the teacher are lists. The author shows the content and structure of teachers` conflictological competence and heads of educational institutions, as a condition of conflictological competence formation of students in the educational environment, the achievement of the planned interdisciplinary results and the development of personal learning activities of the students when realizing the Federal State Educational Standard at all educational levels. Conclusion. A negative attitude towards conflict is dominated in the public consciousness. Conflict is united with aggression and violence, negative emotions, feelings and meanings. This is directly related to negative or dysfunctional consequences of conflict interaction. Effective conflict management is prevention of their occurrence, that is the timely detection, elimination or mitigation of conflict factors (of conflicts) and the restriction, thus the possibility of their occurrence. A high level of conflictological competence of teachers and the heads of the educational organizations will effectively manage conflicts, see them as a constructive potential for the development of the organization as a whole.


Conflict, conflictological competence, conflict management

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IDR: 148102479

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