The problem of hiring foreign maritime specialists in the Estonian Imperial Yacht club

Автор: Kopylov Sergey Nikolaevich

Журнал: Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research @bulletensocial

Статья в выпуске: 9 (11), 2021 года.

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At the time of its creation, the Estonian Imperial yacht club was the largest sailing and rowing sports organization in the Russian Baltic States. The establishment of the yacht club has found extensive support among Russian aristocratic circles. One of the problems, taking into account the German origin of the overwhelming number of full members of the Estonian Imperial yacht club, was the hiring of foreign Maritime specialists. Statutory documents of sports organizations were adopted by the official authorities of the Russian Empire, which imposed restrictions on this issue. We must not forget that the Estonian Imperial yacht club was located on the national outskirts of The state, which led to the hiring of representatives of the Baltic peoples. Naturally, the Russian authorities tried to weaken foreign influence on the activities of domestic yacht clubs. They may have considered it unacceptable for Russian sports organizations to hire foreign marine specialists. By the beginning of the twentieth century, hiring foreigners in Russian Imperial Yacht Clubs was completely prohibited. However, Baltic fishermen continued to be hired for the Estonian Imperial Yacht Club. We can say that in such a situation, the official Russian authorities took into account the public interests of the national state suburbs.


Estonian Imperial yacht club, official power, Russian Empire, rowing, hiring, Baltic States, Charter, members of the yacht club, public organization, foreign specialists, Maritime business

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IDR: 14118422   |   DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4274595

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