The problem of translating metaphors in works of art

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This paper discusses the problem of translation in a literary text of such a linguistic means of expression as metaphor. Its characteristics are given, the developed methods of translating metaphors in works of fiction by different linguists are also described, their comparison and differences are made. The article discusses and analyzes examples of the translation of metaphors and ways to preserve their emotional coloring on the example of Agatha Christie's novel "Five little Pigs", its translation into Russian "Five Piglets" and translation into French "Cinq petits cochons". The techniques of translating metaphors from English into Russian and French in English-language literary texts are considered.


Metaphor, artistic text, generalizing metaphor, classification of metaphors, cognitive metaphor, lexical metaphor, nominative metaphor, figurative metaphor, translation of metaphors, translation of works of art, full translation, translation techniques, simple metaphor, expanded metaphor, realized metaphor


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IDR: 170207455   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-10-1-168-173

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