The problem of overtime work in China: forced overtime and its informal legalization

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The article analyzes one of the most pressing problems of labor relations in China today - the problem of widespread forced overtime work by employers. The author sees the main reason for this situation as strong pressure from labor supply in the Chinese labor market. The article examines polarized opinions on overtime work: its proponents argue that both voluntary and forced overtime contribute to the dynamic development of the Chinese economy, while opponents believe that constant overtime employment causes irreparable harm to the workers’ health, including their mental health, increases occupational injuries, and leads to a higher number of suicide attempts among young citizens. The article concludes that the prevalence of overtime work is a consequence of labor market saturation and increased competition among workers for “good positions”, leading to relationships of exploitation in favor of the employer. Addressing this issue will require comprehensive strategies that consider both labor market dynamics and worker protection laws to ensure fair and sustainable labor practices in China.


China, labor relations, overtime employment, suicides at work, informally legalized overtime

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IDR: 149145476   |   DOI: 10.24158/tipor.2024.5.9

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