Problems of study of «non-major disciplines»

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Author’s opinion to forming general cultural and basic professional competences and developing learner’s potential as a basic task of teaching and learning “non-major” (not main) courses is presented. Generalized research results obtained by expert assessment at average value level for organizational and managerial activities are presented, including: learner’s orientation type, motivation structure, personal qualities important for learning and the level of competence formation. The following conditions of the process efficiency are established: priority of student focus, optimization of professional education environment, symmetrical scientific and natural language of teaching with maximum retention of inner meanings and the logic of scientific discourse, base of vitagenic experience and pragmatic needs of the learner. It is stated that technological and assessment criteria should be selected on the basis of efficiency and optimality of attaining the goals of the process of professional education.


Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14239962   |   DOI: 10.7442/2071-9620-2015-1-23-32

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