The problems of modern labor market (development trends)

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The article deals with one of the most important factors of production which is labor, using the approaches adopted in the economic theory of labor, taking into account factors that affect the supply and demand for labor, based on the concept of the marginal product. We study the general trends of the modern labor market: the transition from egalitarian (leveling) markets, imbalances of labor (the aging of the working population, large-scale immigration, especially among illegal immigrants; increase in the share of highly specialized professionals and technicians); the increasing differentiation of labor productivity in rich and poor countries; changes in business infrastructure and the structure of the required workforce; loss of purchasing power of the population worldwide. To assess the level of Russia's population aging and to reflect phase of the “demographic aging” the aging scale is used, it is developed based on the use of two approaches, one of them suggested by the Polish demographer E. Rosset, and another one is given by the United Nations. Values of indicators reflecting the dynamics of the demographic burden calculated for 2002-2015 year are given. In addition to the general trends of development of the labor market in developed countries there are specific features of the Russian market presented in the article: the low employment in pre-working age; further growth of employment in the informal sector of economics; the discrepancy between the received education and actual jobs (especially among young people); “hidden” discrimination at recruiting people over 40 years old; faster growth of wages relative to labor productivity; the lack of high-tech jobs. The elements included in the characterization of the labor market model are employment policy, regulation of employment and labor market, the social support system. The article gives a description of the current national labor market models, which include the liberal model, national-traditional model and transitive model. The selection of the Russian labor market model requires further study of the problem.


Labor market model, the theory of supply and demand in the labor market, the concept of the marginal product, workforce imbalances, factors correcting supply and demand in the labor market, human capital, real wages, modern labor market trends


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IDR: 147156399   |   DOI: 10.14529/em170405

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