Problems of inclusion of poetry of the last decades in a circle of seniors’ reading

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Nowadays, as well as 150 years ago, teachers, educators and literary critics dispute about practicability of studying new literature at school. Some think that only the time proved and highly artistic works with their undeniable moral and ethical significance must be offered to students. Others believe that students should be acquainted with works that include familiar plots and heroes and are interesting to students because they not only help to form a strong interest to fiction, but also to form the deliberate need for verbal expression and discussion of some household, social, moral and ethical problems that every man faces during lifetime. At all times teenagers and youngsters deal with difficult relationship problems with the people surrounding them, with society in general. Incorporating a wide range of the emotional estimates of events that are familiar to students, the new literature can help them on their difficult way of socialization in the modern world. According to our research, the literary aspect of the analysis of modern texts causes interest among seniors as well: the ambivalence of a chronotope, cycles of time, the metaphorical intension of the objective world image, meaning of name, interrelation of name, subtitle and epigraph, the role of symbolic performances, metaphor performances, deliberate projections of plots and images on literary source material, the genre of the Easter story, detective, journey, dystopia, irony as a way of imaging, etc.


Social, moral, esthetic upbringing and school education, modern poetry in a circle of reading interests of pupils, a way of socialization of younger generation through the culture of people

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IDR: 148102454

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