Food security of the country in the conditions of sanction pressure and geopolitical instability

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The purpose of the article is to study food security issues, whose importance is increasing due to sanction pressure and the aggravation of geopolitical instability. The problems of food security continue to be relevant, since the interests of the state are always affected (we are talking about the basic direction of ensuring national security) and relate directly to the population from the position of an appropriate standard of living, providing them with food. The scale of sanctions and geopolitical tension increases the importance of this area and allows us to consider it in the current situation from the point of view of the country’s independence from external threats to the world market. Despite the rather positive dynamics of the development of the agro-industrial complex, domestic agribusiness has faced new challenges, the process of overcoming which does not seem simple and instant. The spring of 2022 proved evidence of accelerating the process of import substitution; nevertheless, the accumulated margin of safety and timely response of the state contributed to the successful completion of the previous year. Ensuring food security and reducing dependence on imports has become one of the tasks of the Russian economy in the current conditions outlined by the President of the country. The article identifies the key problems of ensuring food security in Russia (inflationary pressure, rising prices, import dependence, etc.) and suggests possible ways to solve them (social support of the population, acceleration of import substitution processes, involvement of agricultural universities in this process, stimulating the interaction of universities with other educational and scientific organizations in the context of their adaptation to the needs of the agro-industrial complex). The key place is given to reducing import dependence as a parameter for ensuring Russia’s food security in modern economic and geopolitical conditions.


Agricultural universities, geopolitical tension, state, import dependence, import substitution, population, food security, food, sanctions, export

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IDR: 149145134   |   DOI: 10.15688/ek.jvolsu.2023.4.5

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