Artistic style design of urban environment historical sites

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In article the question of stylistic design which was well owned by pre-revolutionary architects is brought up; about the lost continuity in design of the urban environment, that it is necessary to return to former rules. Conclusion. When imposing modular grids on drawings of listed buildings it is useful to consider several rules: 1. The modular grid should be combined with axes of external walls. 2. The main axis and the focal point of a construction have to coincide with the center of a modular grid from where the increasing number of proportional sizes begins. 3. The centers of façade round elements have to fix intersections of modular grid axes, as a rule. 4. The increasing number of direct and diagonal squares has to cover the whole object drawing entirely. 5. For determining of a numerical proportion it is necessary to pay attention to a roof degree of tilt and other inclined elements as they, as a rule, coincide with the direction of the main diagonals.


Artistic styles in architecture, stylistic modular grids, restoration of listed buildings, restoration of historical sites on the basis of stylistic modular grids principles

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ID: 148102590
