Projecting a conceptual model of personality professional formation in the educational process

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The emergence of new conditions for self-realization of a person in the society, the complication of the social structure have led to the extension of the notion of the phenomenon of professionalism. The ontogenesis is considered on the interdisciplinary basis using analysis of existing approaches to the periodization of the professional formation of a personality as methodological technique: ontogenetic, professionalgenetic, qualitative, mixed. Based on the theory of the development of the internal structures of a personality, the conceptual model is justified, according to three main scales that constitute the field of professional development: the scale of the personality's orientation of, the scale of the experience, the scale of a personality's self-attitude. The constructed model from biological, psychological and social dimensions allows considering further a gradual presentation of the system of graphic forms of the representation of information in the process of professional formation of a personality with the regard to one's vitagenetic experience.


Professional formation of personality, personality's orientation, experience, activity, morals, values, ideals, a conceptual model of professional formation of a personality

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IDR: 14240012   |   DOI: 10.7442/2071-9620-2015-4-41-52

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