Project activities in teaching philological disciplines of the theoretical cycle

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The purpose of the article is to explore the possibilities of project activities both in teaching theoretical disciplines at a pedagogical university («Introduction to Literary Studies», «Theory of Literature», «Poetics of Literary Text»), and in extracurricular (research) work. The main stages of work of students at different levels of education (bachelor's, master's, postgraduate) on the projects «Lotman's Semiosphere» and «Matrix of Formalism» are shown. In preparation for the final project, students study the main literature on the relevant scientific problem. Immersing themselves in scientific work, students identify basic theoretical concepts, their definitions, types, and functions. For each work, brief notes are compiled, the provisions of which are algorithmized using visualization tools. The given forms of project implementation within the framework of teaching philological disciplines of the theoretical cycle demonstrate the optimization of the educational process. Students, under the guidance of a supervisor, are involved in comprehending a wide field of scientific and research problems relevant to the modern paradigm of humanitarian knowledge. Project activities make it possible to successfully solve the problems posed in the programs for teaching philological disciplines of the theoretical cycle. The presented experience of design technology can be used not only at a university in teaching theoretical disciplines, but also to solve other methodological and pedagogical problems.


Project activity, methodological seminar, research activity, literary theory, individual educational route

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148328941   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2024-26-95-5-15

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