Professional suitability as a psychological prerequisite for improving the effectiveness of military-professional training (retraining) of military personnel

Автор: Karavanov A.A., Ustinov I.Y., Len A.A.

Журнал: Вестник Нижневартовского государственного университета @vestnik-nvsu

Рубрика: Педагогические науки

Статья в выпуске: 2, 2023 года.

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The object of this work is to consider the problem of complementarity of the qualification readiness of candidates (applicants) for the future military specialty. Professional psychological selection of military personnel is considered as a psychological prerequisite for increasing the effectiveness of military professional training (retraining), as a way to overcome the discrepancy between the applicant (subject of military professional activity) and the requirements of the MAS. The analysis of dissertation research, scientific literature and regulatory documents made it possible to classify the types of human suitability for military professional activity into groups. The basis for the classification was the characteristics of the psychological qualities and innate personality traits necessary for the development of the military profession, as well as their psychodiagnostic tools. The factors of professional suitability are described in detail, the structural elements necessary for effective functioning in the profession are highlighted, by which it is possible to assess the professional suitability of a person. The composition and composition of the qualification psyche suitability of a person, which determine the profitability of technologies and algorithms (retraining) of applicants for vacancies of contract servicemen in the Russia Armed Forces, have been clarified. The definition of psychiatric suitability has been clarified. The professional suitability of an individual for military specialties is considered from the point of view of two basic tendencies to the knowledge of this phenomenon, the types of readiness of the individual for specialized activities are described. The specific characteristics of military professional training are revealed.


Suitability, professional important qualities, professional military training (retraining)

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14128625   |   DOI: 10.36906/2311-4444/23-2/06

Список литературы Professional suitability as a psychological prerequisite for improving the effectiveness of military-professional training (retraining) of military personnel

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