Professional motivation of students

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The article discusses the main parameters that link professional motivation with the values and life priorities of students. The level of professional motivation certainly affects the future work of graduates. Disclosure of internal motivators, the ability to listen, to live more concentratedly, meaningfully, analyze needs helps to see one's abilities, goal-setting and determining life orientations, setting priorities. Regular practice of identifying patterns of behavior reduces the level of emotional exhaustion and helps maintain cognitive functions. The importance of studying the problems of professional motivation, its role in working life, the formation of value motives in conditions of uncertainty help manage internal resources, stimulate social activity. An analysis of the parameters of professional motivation of students of humanitarian and technical universities showed their relationship with the socio-psychological climate, internal motivations, which allows us to conclude that the understanding of this problem is expanding and the need to form more productive cooperation between teachers and students. The material can be used in the process of studying at a university, psychodiagnostic tools during consultations and trainings.


Motivation, values, meaningful life orientations

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148324491   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2022-24-85-35-40

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