Foreign languages professionally oriented teaching (on the example of legal specialties)

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In the modern educational space foreign languages professionally oriented teaching is recognized as one of the priority areas of training specialists. Teachers need to ensure the integration of the foreign language discipline into the general course of the students’ professional training. The author of the article identifies the following principles of selection of linguistic and grammatical material: thematic, semantic, the principle of consistency, the principle of profiling orientation. In conclusion, the author concludes that the organization of educational material on a professionally oriented basis is a positive experience that allows students to get acquainted with their chosen profession at an early stage and make sure that their professional choice is correct.


Professionally oriented training, integration of the discipline, selection of linguistic and grammatical material, profiling orientation, specialist training

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IDR: 170197758   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2023-1-4-75-78

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