Prevention of Destructive Informational and Psychological Impact on Youth on the Internet

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Introduction. Prevention of risks including crimes committed against minors via informational and communication technologies is an important scientific and social problem. The purpose of the study is to examine the content of risks for juveniles on the Internet and identify mechanisms that contribute to the prevention of the destructive influence of the Internet on young people. Materials and Methods. The study was conducted at a Ryazan school. The teenagers were asked questions about the types of social networks used, the goals of accessing the Internet, the time spent there and parental control. The personal questionnaire “Motivational structure of informational activity” by Yu. N. Dolgov, A. S. Kopovoy, G. N. Malyuchenko and V. M. Smirnov, the Kimberly — Young method of “Internet addiction” were used. The survey covered 238 juveniles. Results and Discussion. The increasing number of Internet users, the improved psychological mechanisms of keeping a person on the world Wide Web, the presence of many psychological mechanisms and phenomena – all these factors make researchers more and more actively study the features of juvenile involvement, enthrallment and manipulating them. It is impossible to ignore the individual and personal characteristics of criminals and victims, the main techniques and tricks used by threat carriers, the conditions in which online communication takes place, as well as the ways of responding of people around them (relatives, friends and bystanders). Conclusions. Prevention of negative manifestations on the Internet, on the one hand, should be aimed at identifying and minimizing risks of various types, on the other — at training, formation of skills and abilities, psychological competence of juveniles


Prevention, informational and psychological impact, risks, cybercrime, psychological stability, digital competence

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IDR: 149138495   |   DOI: 10.24412/1999-6241-2021-4-87-416-422

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