Prevention of mycotoxicosis in livestock

Автор: Gerunova L.K., Gerunov V.I., Korneychuk D.V.

Журнал: Вестник Омского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-omgau

Рубрика: Ветеринарные науки

Статья в выпуске: 3 (31), 2018 года.

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Mycotoxicoses are one of the recent problems in modern livestock husbandry. They cause major economic damage, as fungal toxins seriously reduce the biological value and safety of feeds. Currently, more than 350 species of microscopic fungi are known, which release into the environment more than 300 different kinds of mycotoxins dangerous for animal and human health. Present-day mycotoxin classifications are based on the mechanism of their action or organotropic effects. The most dangerous mycotoxicoses include aflatoxicosis, T-2 toxicosis, zearalenone toxicity, ochratoxicosis, stachybotriotoxicosis, ergotism, and others. Differential diagnosis of mycotoxicoses according to clinical and pathomorphological features is difficult since the observed changes in the animal body are characteristic of other infectious and non-contagious diseases. In this regard, the results of a laboratory study of feeds are critical for diagnosing. Numerous ways of preventing mycotoxicosis are directed to the development and application of physical, chemical and biological techniques of inactivation of mycotoxins in feeds...


Poisoning of animals, mycotoxicosis, mycotoxicosis prophylaxis, aflotoxicosis, ochratoxicosis, zearalenone toxicosis, t-2 toxicosis, stachybotriotoxicosis, ergotism

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