Programming SDNs: A Compass for SDN Programmer

Автор: Suhail Ahmad, Ajaz Hussain Mir

Журнал: International Journal of Wireless and Microwave Technologies @ijwmt

Статья в выпуске: 1 Vol.14, 2024 года.

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The modern communication networks have evolved from simple-static systems to highly flexible and adaptive systems facilitating dynamic programmability and reconfiguration. This network evolution has influenced the lowest level of packet processing in data plane to highest level of network control and management functions. It has also influenced the overall network design and architecture which is clearly evident from the emergence of SDN and NFV. With the wide-spread acceptance of SDN, a novel networking paradigm, the network programmability has re-appeared as a top research area in networking and numerous programming languages have been proposed. In this paper, we present a systematic review of various state-of-the-art SDN programming languages used to program different network planes. We follow a top-down approach, starting with the high-level or top-tier programming languages followed by the data plane or bottom-tier programming languages. We have provided an in-depth analysis of various top-tier and bottom-tier programming languages and compared them in terms of most prominent features and supported abstractions. In addition to it, we have elaborated various programming models used in different bottom-tier programming languages which provide necessary abstractions for mapping diverse functionalities of data plane algorithms splendidly onto the specialized hardware like ASICs. Lastly, we have highlighted the research challenges in SDN programming languages like cross platform programming, necessary language libraries, support for network verification, NFV, stateful and inline packet processing, which need to be incorporated into existing programming languages to support diverse functions required in next generation networks.


Programmability in SDN, Domain Specific Languages, Programmable Networks, Network Programming Languages, OpenFlow, P4

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IDR: 15019244   |   DOI: 10.5815/ijwmt.2024.01.05

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