The production of vacuumized semi-finished food products of high degree of readiness for organized contingents’ nutrition

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Catering services of the population in the place of work and study are one of the directions of the complex of actions for strengthening of health of a person on working place. At this type of food using semi-finished products of high degree of readiness will allow to intensify the cooking of culinary prod-ucts at the enterprises of industry of food, to pro-long the terms of its storage and to keep quality. The results of researches of organoleptic, physical and chemical and microbiological indicators of qual-ity of culinary products from chopped mass are presented in the study: fish cutlets, chicken meat-balls and meat meatballs, prepared from semi-finished products of high degree of readiness. The-se culinary products are necessary component of the main hot lunch courses. According to earlier developed compoundings and technology of prepa-ration the product can be previously steamed or fried on one hand in the main way at 75-80 °C, then they are placed into packages from heat-resistant polymeric film and vacuumized. As filler in products potato starch making 2 g on a product unit was used. Further vacuumized semi-finished products were frozen and stored at -18 °C within 14 days then brought them to readiness at 80-85 °C and after opening of packing the quality of semi-finished products were estimated. All studied sam-ples were highly appreciated on organoleptic indi-cators, physical and chemical and microbiological indicators conformed to requirements of specifica-tions and technical documentation. Thus, devel-oped compoundings and technologies of products are recommended for practical use at enterprises of industry of food serving organized contingents of the population in the place of study and work.


Vacuum packing, semi-finished products, culinary products, products from chopped mass, freezing, public catering, pumping out, lunch production

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IDR: 140224167

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