Promt-engineering as a strategy for forming the information culture of students

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The article considers the methods of introducing industrial engineering technology into the educational process of comprehensive schools, professional colleges and universities to form the procedural component of students' information culture, i.e. the ability to formulate precise queries in search engines. In comprehensive schools, this technology can be introduced through project and research activities. At the stage of primary general education, industrial engineering includes such activities as industrial analysis, development of a personalized industrial library, industrial expansion; at the stage of basic and secondary general education, as part of continuing to master this technology, students can perform industrial compression, industrial optimization, and cross-promting. In professional colleges and universities, industrial engineering becomes part of students' research activities when they master such activities as industrial stylization, industrial localization, collaborative industrial mapping, and industrial visualization. Thus, industrial engineering technology allows preparing students (from primary school to university) for the challenges of the modern information society.


Industrial engineering, information culture, artificial intelligence technologies, search engines, information analysis, information systematization, data visualization, search query, information retrieval algorithms

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IDR: 170207090   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-9-1-10-15

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