Proof in an administrative procedure: A significant segment of the general part of the administrative law

Автор: Vukašinović Petar, Šoltes Igor

Журнал: Pravo - teorija i praksa @pravni-fakultet

Рубрика: Original scientific work

Статья в выпуске: 7-8 vol.26, 2009 года.

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The importance of proof in administrative proceedings is arising from the fact that the development of substantive law, a change or termination of any rights is related to the existence or non-existence of relevant facts. Evidence provides the answer to the question of whether in life exists a specific facts, which is the basis for the development of a law. The existence of such facts is basing on the evidence. ZOOUP in the article 149th paragraph 2. lists the most common means of evidence that authorities used in administrative procedure, and those are documents, witnesses, the statement of the party, warlock, and investigation. ZOOUP is providing a duty of withholding from investigation for one side and the prohibition of injuring the business, professional and scientific secrets from the official, on the other side. Securing of evidence is being done when there is a fear that the evidence cannot be brought later, or that his performance will be significantly difficult. Securing the evidence is performed according to the obligation of official duty or at the proposal of the party.


Administrative procedures, detection, means of evidence, documents, witnesses, warlock, party statement, providing evidence, official party, documents

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170202740

Список литературы Proof in an administrative procedure: A significant segment of the general part of the administrative law

  • Simeon Gelevski: „Upravno pravo“, Novi Sad, 2008.
  • Simeon Gelevski, Miladin Kostić, Ivan Bulatović: „Upravno-procesno pravo“, Niš, 2008.
  • Lilić Stevan: „Upravno pravo“, Beograd, 1995.
  • Tomić Zoran, Bačić Vera: „Komentar Zakona o opštem upravnom postupku“, Beograd, 1995.
  • Marković Branislav: „Položaj i uloga stranke u upravnom postupku“, Beograd, 1977.
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