Spatial-time diagnostics of the city

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The aim of the article is to represent the key name "Spatial-temporal diagnostics of the city" in the long-term research of graduate and doctoral students representing the Samara School of Cultural Studies. This concept and related cultural-philosophical concepts were tested in the theses of graduate students and doctoral students, prepared at the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies of the Samara State Medical University. Spatio-temporal diagnostics of a city is understood as the structures of urban space, symbols of time in architecture and monuments, the institutional saturation of a given city with cultural institutions, geniuses of the place that influenced the change in urban space, etc.). Each of the named concepts has received a thorough cultural-philosophical interpretation. The author's conclusion is that the choice of "instruments" (chronotopes) for studying a culture of one type or another does not remove the recognition of the multidimensionality and multidimensionality of the "Soviet century".


Chronotope and chronotopy of the city, cultural-philosophical approaches, diagnostics, spatio-temporal diagnostics, chronotopes of the soviet city, k. schlögel's concept,

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IDR: 148323637   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2021-23-79(2)-222-233

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