Spatial characteristics of enterprise risk management

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The development of modern digital technologies has influenced the spatial characteristics of the organization of economic activity of enterprises, the creation of new products, the implementation of projects, the work activities of individual employees, etc. The purpose of this article is to complement the systemic economic theory with a description of new practices in the spatial organization of enterprises, including assets (object subsystems) and temporary associations (teams) of individual specialists to create new products (design subsystems), processes in virtual space (process subsystems), and features of the interaction of economic agents in digital environments (environmental subsystems). And also to identify risk factors for the spatial organization of such subsystems. To achieve this goal, methods of the operational theory of risk management and systemic economic theory were used. It is shown that the topological connectivity of space can play a key role in deciding the issue of scaling the activities of an enterprise under spatial restrictions. It is formulated that the activities of an enterprise in physical space and in virtual space are closely related. When risk situations related to infrastructure occur in the physical space, there is a high probability of process failures in the digital space. Localizing software within one territory can prevent disruption to the operations of enterprises that support people’s livelihoods. The sensitivity of the new generation of workers to modern technologies has given rise to new processes in enterprises, including reverse mentoring processes; such processes can take place both in physical space and in virtual space. In further research, it is desirable to clarify the development of social virtual space, the topology of socio-economic connections, new channels of feedback from clients and consumers, and their impact on the results of economic activity of enterprises in the digital world.


Systemic economic theory, risk factors, risk, metric, connectivity, physical space, virtual space, digital technologies

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IDR: 149146877   |   DOI: 10.15688/ek.jvolsu.2024.3.1

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