Educational and didactic activity Marco Vovchok: magazine "The best translation of foreign writers"

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Domestic magazines - one of the most significant segments of Russian journalism - at the dawn of its inception its main mission of Enlightenment thought readers. Therefore, in cooperation with some of the best minds of the time - both domestic and foreign. If the first edition of the journals involved mostly men, then to the middle of the XIX century in this field has come talented women. The article deals with educational and didactic activities of the well-known national writer, publicist, translator Maria Alexandrovna Markovic (pseudonym - Marco Vovchok) on the example she published the magazine “The best translations of foreign writers” (1871-1872). The article analyzes the headings of structural and thematic features of the publication, its ideological content, the selection of authors and works, as well as the contribution of the “Translation... ” in the case of the Russian education. Particular emphasis is placed on the value of the magazine for the next local educational publications.


Educational and didactic activities, marco vovchok, female journalism, translation journal, structural and thematic features

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IDR: 144160691

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