Combating crime related to abuse of power

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Abuse of power is one of the most pressing issues of modern criminal law, since it affects the interests of society, the state and individuals. The concept of abuse of power reflects a wide range of actions committed by officials who, using their official powers, act to the detriment of the powers and legitimate interests of other persons or society as a whole. Abuse of power poses a serious threat to law and order and stability in society. The study covers both theoretical aspects and practical issues, a comprehensive analysis of the problems of abuse of power and criminal liability for this offense, allows not only to state the existing problems, but also to propose ways to solve them.


Combating crime, abuse of power, corruption, use of official position, offense

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IDR: 170207042   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-10-5-125-127

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